Saturday, January 28, 2017

NXT Takeover: San Antonio Predictions

Oh, NXT, how we love thee.  It's a shame I can't get as excited about this edition of Takover, but that's what happens when Big Brother raids your talent pool and leaves you with a roster that--while certainly very talented--hasn't had time to properly come into its own.

Still, the Royal Rumble is around the bend, and NXT Takeover: San Antonio is hot on its heels.  By proxy, that means it's time for guys like me to whip out the keyboard and begin my vain attempt to predict what will happen this time around.

Roderick Strong vs. Andrade "Cien" Almas

The sad part is, I totally forgot Roderick Strong was even part of NXT.  He's been such a mainstay at Ring of Honor (he was nicknamed "Mr. ROH") and I vaguely remember him debuting in rather non-auspicious fashion on WWE's yellow brand, but not much has been made of him since.  The folks in Stamford have been getting more lenient when it comes to acknowledging the indy resumes of guys like Strong, but not so much, apparently, to the point where they will let it characterize the person.  That's a shame, because Strong should be someone we are anxious to see perform, and instead he feels more like a man getting lost in the sauce ala James Storm.

Meanwhile, we have Andrade "Cien" who, from what we've seen so far, is a guy that wrestles.  I'm not big on WWE's caricatures (this guy's a plumber, this guy's a prince), but I'll take No Way Jose over "Cien" anytime for the simple fact that I at least know what I'm getting.  Again, that's a shame, because from what I can tell, "Cien" is the better wrestler of the two, but he doesn't get nearly enough screen time to prove it.

All of that adds up to a match that is begging to steal the show.  Take these two relative NXT "unknowns" and let this be the moment that defines their WWE careers.  This could be their Savage/Steamboat: a match that will change our perceptions and their fortunes.

Bonus points if it becomes a long-term feud that keeps us glued to the WWE Network.

WHO WILL WIN: Roderick Strong
WHO SHOULD WIN: Andrade "Cien" Almas

"The Perfect 10" Tye Dilliniger vs. Eric Young

This may be my favorite angle in all of WWE.  It's a simple story with two clearly-defined characters and we know which one we are rooting for.

"Join the dark side, Luke!"  Tale as old as time.

So what should we expect?

I'm a little surprised there wasn't an added stipulation to this match that if Tye loses, he's forced to join sAnitY.  That could make for weeks or even months of great television.  That being said, it's probably better for Dillinger--who's been on something of a losing streak when it comes to big-time matches--to take the win here simply to re-establish his credibility.  After all, you can't be the "Perfect 10" if your record is 1-9.

But if I'm the head of Creative, I let Young get the pin, and spend the next several weeks watching sAnitY haunt Dillinger at every turn.  You could even have Dillinger compete in a #1 Contender's Match for the NXT Championship and then have sAnitY screw him out of the victory.  Build this up to Wrestlemania weekend, where we can watch Dillinger exact revenge in grand fashion and restore himself as a force to be reckoned with in NXT.

WHO WILL WIN: Eric Young

NXT Tag Team Champions #DIY (Jonny Gargano & Tomasso Ciampa) vs. The Authors of Pain (Rezar & Akam) w/ Paul Ellering

I still get chills thinking about NXT Takeover: Toronto, and the epic showdown between #DIY and The Revival.  I don't expect that kind of magic to be replicated here, but The Authors of Pain present a nice challenge for Ciampa and Gargano.

There's no telling how WWE will structure its tag team division going forward, or how long it plans to keep Gargano and Ciampa atop the mountain.  However, with a decidedly thin roster of challengers, it might be better to keep the Authors of Pain looking strong and paint a comeback story for the indy underdogs going into Wrestlemania weekend.

Of course, you have to give the edge in this match to Rezar and Akam, thanks to the lurking presence of "Precious" Paul Ellering at ringside.  As with sAnitY, when in doubt, the strength always lies with the numbers.

WHO SHOULD WIN: The Authors of Pain

NXT Women's Champion Asuka vs. Billie Kay vs. Peyton Royce vs. Nikki Cross

August 2015.  That's how long Asuka has been in NXT.  That's pretty insane considering most of the women she's faced there have now moved up to become Raw and Smackdown Live mainstays.  Emma, Dana Brooke, Eva Marie, Bayley, Nia Jax, and Mickie James have all graduated, and yet Asuka continues to hold down a women's division that takes a ton of credit for having revolutionized women's wrestling.

In the same way that X-Division defined the early days of Impact Wrestling, the women's division defined NXT for almost two years.  They're struggling to keep that flame alive with a roster that's almost devoid of established talent.  While the other names in this match are certainly great in-ring, they don't hold the same weight on the marque as many of Asuka's past competitors.

The sheer chaos of a Fatal Four-Way match makes any kind of prediction here ring hollow.  There's also the looming spectre of Wrestlemania around the bend and the knowledge that truly big changes generally happen on the grandest stages.

If I had to guess, I'd say this is Asuka's final "hurrah" before doing the favor for whoever the powers that be deem to be the next face of their division.  It should prove a strong showing and there's no doubt that when Asuka inevitably departs for the main roster, one of these women will be there to fill the power void.


NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode

No disrespect to Bo Dallas, Neville, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, or Samoa Joe: Shinsuke Nakamura is the single biggest star to hold the NXT Championship.

I'm not talking about his resume going in to NXT.  I'm talking about what he's been able to do since holding it.  He's turned a developmental promotion into a spectacle, and drawn eyes onto the product that may otherwise have lost interest once those other names left.

Then there's Bobby Roode: one of the last TNA originals to make his way over to WWE.  Once again, WWE proves that your talent is only as good as the platform you provide them.  While Roode was a former World Champion over on Impact, he also floundered in the midcard toward the end of his run there.  Meanwhile, WWE has allowed him to skyrocket to the main event on their hottest brand and he once again looks as though he belongs with gold around his waist.

Not to mention both these men have incredibly popular entrance themes.

There are rumors swirling, of course, that Nakamura will make a "surprise" entrance into the Royal Rumble match, assuming he loses to Roode the night before.  That's certainly a possibility, as a loss to Roode and a Rumble debut could set Nakamura up for an incredible Wrestlemania moment similar to AJ Styles in 2016.

The problem, as appears to be the case with most of these championship matches, is that the roster is simply too thin to send Nakamura packing just yet.  Who would you have contending for Bobby Roode's title?  There simply hasn't been enough time for NXT to reload after the main roster draft.

That's not to mention that Nakamura would technically be entitled to a rematch in the event he loses to Roode, which would make a Royal Rumble appearance rather premature.  We've seen Kevin Owens work double-duty.  Could we see the same for King of Strong Style?

WHO WILL WIN: Shinsuke Nakamura


A lot has been made of WWE's "surprise" Rumble entrants over the years.  Legends return and stars debut, whether coming from WWE's own farm system, or getting plucked off the independent scene.

A lot of names are getting thrown around as possible entrants this year: Nakamura, Roode, Dillinger.  But all these men are already scheduled for combat the night before.

However, there is one NXT star conspicuously absent from Saturday's card: Samoa Joe.

I would bet money at this point that Samoa Joe makes an appearance this Sunday in WWE's premiere battle royal.  He won't win, but hopefully his presence is enough to spark some interest from Raw and Smackdown authorities.

But we'll leave that talk for my Royal Rumble predictions...


  1. Stay tuned for Royal Rumble predictions to be posted Monday morning at 1:30 AM!

    1. Did you write this while sitting in that tree?

    2. I almost fell out of the tree, but only one foot touched the ground before I managed to pull myself back up. Much like Curtis Axel, I remain undefeated.
