Friday, April 3, 2009

My Wrestlemania 25 Predictions

A couple of weeks ago I gave you my opinion of the matches that had then been announced for Wrestlemania 25.  Now I want to give my predictions as to who I think will walk about victorious.  Knowing WWE's politics will likely reign supreme this Sunday, there will be two winners given for each match: who I think WILL win, and who I think SHOULD win.

With tonight's Smackdown! as WWE's last chance to entice it's audience to shell out $49.95 for Wrestlemania 25, it'll be interesting to see if any new developments come to light.

     This is the card according to as of 6:00 p.m., starting from the bottom:

Chris Jericho vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, & Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka describes this as an "elimination-style match" that "permits The Legends to tag in and out".  Jericho has done a great job promoting this match and being arguably the best bad guy WWE has right now.  This match tends to fly under the radar in the shadows of matches like The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, as well as the World Heavyweight and WWE Championship matches that have been given substantially greater television time to promote.  I will be honest that, with all due respect to Piper, Snuka, and Steamboat, my expectations for this match are not high.

Of the Legendary Trio, Steamboat seems to be in the best condition, and looks like he could go with anyone on the roster.  That, combined with Jericho's uncanny ability to deliver in the most unlikely and uncertain of circumstances gives me hope for this match from a performance standpoint.

I'm not sure what Mickey Rourke's involvement in this feud will do for buyrates or storyline.  It was widely publicized that Rourke would not be appearing at Wrestlemania 25, and while recently posted a notice confirming Rourke's appearance, it hasn't sparked the media buzz that other celebrity appearances have in the past, such as with Donald Trump, Mike Tyson, or Floyd Mayweather.  This may have much to do with Rourke's unexpected loss at the Oscars, but I tend to put much of the blame on failed attempts by WWE to properly market this match...which strikes me as odd, since I doubt Rourke will be paying for his own ticket.

Also, expect some interference from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who has remained conspicuous by his absence thus far.

WHO WILL WIN: The WWE Legends: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, & Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka

WWE will put the nails in Chris Jericho's coffin by allowing The Legends to gain a victory here, if for no other reason than out of respect to the men who put Wrestlemania on the map.  For Vince, this is little more than a nostalgia match.  This will also give Rourke a chance to get revenge on Jericho for talking smack about him for the past two months.

WHO SHOULD WIN: Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho has been going strong the past few months, but this angle hasn't quite garnered the response many of his other feuds have.  Jericho needs to get back his momentum and re-insert himself into the main-event spotlight, and this is a great way to do that.  Unfortunately, it leaves little room for Rourke's retribution.


A non-title 25-Diva over-the-top-rope battle royal to determine the first-ever Ms. Wrestlemania.  The match will feature divas from the past and present, so it's impossible to tell who will appear and who will sit this one out.  Santino Marella has been trying to insert himself into this match, which I have no doubt, will pay off.

WHO WILL WIN: Santino Marella

WWE loves the comedy of it's spectacle, and this is the perfect opportunity.  What could be more historical than Santino becoming the first-ever Ms. Wrestlemania?  It will certainly be a "Wrestlemania Moment"...unfortunately, most of us will forget about it, for one reason or another.


Mae Young may not be the best-looking diva on the roster, but she's an icon of WWE's women's division, and will bring a sense of legitimacy to an otherwise meaningless accolade.

C.M. Punk vs. Mark Henry vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Finlay w/ Hornswoggle

You all know the drill: 8 men battle it out for a briefcase that contains a contract granting the bearer a World Championship match at any time of their choosing over the next 12 months.

There's some promising talent here.  In particular I look forward to Benjamin, MVP, Kofi Kingston, and Christian's performance.  Why Mark Henry has been inserted into this match will forever puzzle me.  Finlay is a hard worker, but I just don't see him as a Wrestlemania caliber talent.  Hornswoggle will no doubt get involved, but I'm not sure how many people are paying to see that particular segment.

The MITB matches always manage to shock us, but this year I'm much more interested in the outcome of the match and how it alters the landscape of WWE over the coming year.  There's been a lot of talk about C.M. Punk potentially becoming the first man to win a second MITB briefcase.  On the flip side, there's plenty of fresh talent the WWE could push through their glass ceiling.


It's a little more than a coincidence that Michael Cole brings up Punk's previous victory in this match during every one of Punk's appearances.  He also manages to sneak in a tidbit about no man ever winning this match more than once.  This could be WWE's attempt to compensate for not pushing Punk harder in his first title run, but it will likely yield a similar result.


Christian's return to WWE has helped inject ECW with a new, more exciting edge.  People still remember him, but he has a fresh feel thanks to his 4-year run with TNA.  Fans who remember him want to tune in because they know what he can do, and new fans are being introduced to his exciting style and irresistible charisma.  This is the perfect time to put ECW back on the map by giving Christian the Money-in-the-Bank briefcase and promoting him as world-championship material.  For Christian, of course, this is long overdue.

"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

This is a perfect example of how a feud should be built, not just for Wrestlemania 25, but for any pay-off match.  I admit to be skeptical as to the value of this match, but can honestly say I am more excited for this match than any other match on the card.  The outcome will be academic, but the match itself will be unforgettable.  That is perhaps one of the few guarantees WWE has this year.

HBK's undeniable charisma and The Undertaker's sheer intensity have made this the "cannot miss" match of the year.  These two have faced off several times in the past, but there has never been as much at stake.  Not only is The Undertaker's legendary undefeated streak on the line, as with every Wrestlemania, but Shawn Michaels' seeming immunity to The Undertaker's wrath (he has never been beaten by "The Deadman") is also on the line.  This will be the match everyone will be talking about Monday morning.

WHO WILL WIN:  The Undertaker

WHO SHOULD WIN: The Undertaker

The Undertaker has few things left to accomplish in his career.  Beating Shawn Michaels, while perhaps coming a few years too late, will be a final feather in "The Phenom's" trademark black hat.  It also doesn't make sense for HBK to be the one to end The Undertaker's streak as that honor, if ever bestowed, should be saved for a young buck who needs the rub to get to the next level.  I would prefer of course, that the streak is never broken as it is one of the last real legacies left in professional wrestling.


World Tag Team Champions The Miz & John Morrisson vs. WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo

I applaud WWE's decision to unify their tag team titles, and hope that this trend carries through to the Women's titles and World titles as well.  The excess of championships in WWE has rendered them meaningless to fans.  Unifying a few of them (keeping the ECW title separate) would really place more emphasis on title matches and regenerate interest in otherwise monotonous feuds.

This should be an entertaining match-up.  Four extremely talented young
men who can wrestle an exciting, fast-paced match and keep the fans
guessing as to what will happen next.  It's nice to see the tag team
division properly represented at the biggest show of the year.  WWE's
neglect of the tag team division is one of fans' biggest criticisms,
although the art of tag team wrestling hasn't been properly
demonstrated or promoted in years.

WHO WILL WIN: The Miz & John Morrisson

WHO SHOULD WIN: The Miz & John Morrisson

These two are clearly the favored team, with more charisma and a more unified style.  They are also the type of guys that you want to see get beat by other tag teams, and that's exactly what WWE will want from the rest of the division after unifying their titles.

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

This is my second most-anticipated match of the night.  These two both know what it's like to perform at a main-event level.  They are both veterans and have given us countless moments that will be forever etched in our minds.  They are both capable of incredible performances, and knowing each other so well should provide us with one of the most fluid, fast, and exciting matches of the night.  This is where Wrestlemania will get extreme.  A potential show-stealer, this is an exciting feud that has helped keep both men in the spotlight after losing their respective world championships.

WHO WILL WIN: Jeff Hardy

WWE has misused Jeff so many times: from his countless losses to Triple H, to losing the WWE Championship just a few short months before Wrestlemania 25, Jeff's popularity has soared even while his track record in the ring has suffered.  WWE is well aware of Jeff's value to the company, and will make sure to keep him in the spotlight...albeit without the help of a championship.


It's no secret that Matt's popularity hasn't caught up to his brother's meteoric rise.  A victory here could legitimize Matt for fans who still consider him to be simply "the the other Hardy".  If Jeff ever did regain a world championship, a feud between these two brothers could become one of the greatest rivalries in history.

Rey Mysterio vs. Intercontinental Champion John "Bradshaw" Layfield

I can't honestly say I'm all that excited to see JBL involved here, much less as Intercontinental Champion.  Bradshaw's tenure as a top-tier talent in WWE has long been over.  His best feuds were against John Cena, but the nature of WWE's programming doesn't cater to Bradshaw's blunt, outspoken, and extemely opinionated disposition.  But I suppose if JBL is going to appear, it may as well be against Rey Mysterio, who should keep the match exciting, especially for young fans.

WHO WILL WIN: John "Bradshaw" Layfield

A favorite in the offices of Titan Tower, Bradshaw will carry the Intercontinental title until he is upset by a young superstar like Kofi Kingston, or perhaps even Christian.

WHO SHOULD WIN: Rey Mysterio

As an infinitely more popular and more exciting superstar, Rey is the kind of wrestler who can carry this title without making himself look like little more than a place holder until a more worthy superstar comes along.

World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. The Big Show vs. John Cena

I've said before that Big Show's involvement here is little more than a tribute to Andre the Giant's epic confrontation with Hulk Hogan from Wrestlemania III.  The real feud here is between Edge and John Cena.  Unfortunately, that's a feud that was milked to death over two years ago.  To it's credit, WWE has done it's best to keep Big Show relevant in this rivalry, almost to a point where Cena feels like a third wheel.  There's enough personality in this feud to keep the fans interested and the match exciting.  This is a big-name match that features two of the most popular superstars on the roster.  Fans will want to see who wins...I'm just not sure they're willing to pay $50 to find out.


Again, this match is academic.  If Wrestlemania 21 - 23 are any indication, John Cena will win.  Still the most popular superstar on the roster, Cena has remained the face of WWE for almost half a decade now.  More young fans (14 and under) are watching the product than ever before, and keeping their hero on top is simply smart marketing for WWE.  For the rest of us, it will be the same old song and dance.


Edge is a much more colorful champion as he will do anything to win.  It will also compel fans to pay money to see him get beat.  Also, Cena is much more entertaining and a much more believable underdog when he is chasing the title.

Triple H vs. Randy Orton

I understand the mentality behind how this feud has been promoted.  It has done wonders for Randy Orton, who has convinced the world he really is a psociopath.  For Triple H, it has me very confused.  One moment he can fend off all of Legacy, the next he is being handcuffed to the ropes and forced to watch as his wife is abused.  We are all supposed to feel sorry for him, but the truth is, he will inexplicably beat down everyone in the locker room with a snap of his finger.  The abuse of his family allows all of us to overlook the fact that he is main-eventing yet another Wrestlemania, mainly because of who he is married to.  But I guess we can't criticize that while his wife is getting beat up.

WHO WILL WIN:  Do I have to say it?  (Triple H)

A McMahon by proxy, this is a no-brainer.


Randy Orton needs this win...and not just a "hit-the-RKO-out-of-nowhere" win.  He needs a decisive "beat-Triple H-within-an-inch-of-his-life" win.  Randy Orton needs the rub Triple H was never willing to give him so that he can carry the torch for WWE in the coming years as Triple H (gasp) fades into the background.  Triple H will never again need any kind of gold, much less a world title.  Randy Orton needs a legitimate win if we are going to believe in him.  Plus, he just makes such a good villain.

We'll see how right I am on Monday, but these are my predictions for now.  I can't say I get the "biggest PPV ever" feeling from this show, but it certainly feels like a bigger event than almost all the shows that have preceeded it.  What's disappointing is that after 25 years, the WWE formula remains largely the same.  There just doesn't seem to be the promise of growth and change surrounding this event.  I can only hope I am horribly wrong.

See you after Wrestlemania!

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