Thursday, March 25, 2010

WWE Wrestlemania XXVI: Predictions

It's that time of year again: the time when WWE rolls out the red carpet for its biggest show of the year, Wrestlemania.

And, as is generally the case with most wrestling-related blogs and websites, this week I will highlight my predictions for each of the matches on the official card for Wrestlemania.

So without any further ado, let's begin:


What bothers me about matches like this is that WWE always seems to just cram as many of the "Sexiest Women on Television" into the ring at once and we are supposed to tune in. What they don't realize is that the Triple Threat Match for the Women's Championship at Wrestlemania X8 between Trish Stratus, Jazz, and Lita was a lot more interesting than this hodge podge of estrogen. Worse yet is the fact that WWE has both female champions as heels in this match and on the same team. Normally, you take one face champion, and one heel champion, and make them captains of their respective teams. Unfortunately, you've put both women on the same team and balanced them out by giving that team--Vickie Guerrero.

And this is the sad truth of what the women's division in WWE has come to. Vickie Guerrero is sharing the ring with the Women's and Divas Wrestlemania.

No disrespect to Vickie, but seriously, why is she here? Is she seriously going to attempt to compete with women like Gail Kim and Mickie James?

A few years ago, Wrestlemania meant showcasing the best of your talent. You pick the best two or three women in your company and have them represent that division of your organization. The same goes for each title match and even the Money-in-the-Bank Ladder match. These days, I guess it's just about getting as many people on this show as possible.

The worst part about this match is that it will have zero consequences. Rather than have two matches (one for the Women's Championship, and one for the Divas Championship), WWE has wasted all their talent for what will be a chaotic train wreck. That's no disrespect to the women involved. These women work hard to compete on the level that they do, and I respect that, but anytime you have more than four competitors in the ring, the results are rarely Slammy-worthy.

WHO WILL WIN: Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Eve, Gail Kim, & Beth Phoenix


The story behind this match is a little convoluted to me, but that's probably because I don't follow Smackdown all that closely. Apparently, Mysterio wanted a street fight against Punk, but Punk would only wrestle a Street Fight if Mysterio could beat Luke Gallows. Mysterio failed in that attempt, which means this match will be a straight-up one-on-one contest.

Now, call me crazy, but if you're going to introduce the prospect of a Street Fight to the fans, you better have a Street Fight. Why introduce this element and then dismiss it just as quickly? The fans would much rather see a Street Fight, but now you leave them thinking it's going to be "just another regular match". This is Wrestlemania! Why not pull out all the stops?

Of course, the big story here is that if Rey loses this match, he will be sworn in to Punk's Straight-Edge Society, joining Luke Gallows and Serena.

This is a great idea, since this match will have direct repercussions for Rey and could affect the coming year. This is the type of storyline that WWE needs to do more of all the time, and not just at Wrestlemania. The aftermath of this match could be long-term, and that is a good thing because it makes the match itself more meaningful and the time and money spent more worthwhile.

I would love to see Punk walk away with the win here, if only because it would make for more interesting TV. However, this is Wrestlemania, and this is Rey Mysterio, and since this will likely be one of the lower matches on the card, WWE will probably want to start the show off on a high note, so they will probably give the win to Rey.

WHO WILL WIN: Rey Mysterio


This match should have a lot more momentum going into Wrestlemania, but with all the hot angles in WWE, and specifically on Raw, this one gets lost in the shuffle. The breaking up of Legacy should've been huge, but Rhodes and DiBiase just aren't pushed as hard as they should be. Moreover, neither is particularly talented on the mic, which leaves the crowd feeling indifferent.

To make matters worse, there is no clear face or heel here. In contrast to the breakup of Evolution, where Randy Orton played the face trying to escape his tyrannical mentor, Rhodes and DiBiase seem more ungrateful brats to Randy Orton's generosity in taking them under his wing.

Orton himself plays the perfect anti-hero. He isn't doing this for the fans, he's not doing it for fun, he's doing it for Randy Orton, and that is why so many fans are behind him right now. Most fans are tired of the John Cenas and the Hulk Hogans who do everything for the people, or for the greater good. Orton goes out there and, in very "Stone Cold" fashion, does things a.) for himself, and b.) because he can. He's not looking for a pat on the back or praise from his peers or the audience. He's looking for his own personal satisfaction, and that is making him the unanimous favorite in this bout.

If Randy Orton had it his way, he'd beat Rhodes and DiBiase into the ground and we'd never hear from them again. But I'm not sure WWE wants them to go away as they have spent quite enough time grooming them for future main-event status.

As far as Rhodes and DiBiase are concerned, it doesn't really matter who wins as long as Randy Orton loses. This will skyrocket their respective careers either way this match turns out. We've already seen some dissension in the ranks between the two, so chances are, regardless of who gets the pinfall, they will be at each others' throats for a while yet. DiBiase has always been the clear favorite, while Rhodes would probably benefit more from a win over Orton.



This is one of those matches I find hard to get excited about. Maybe if Sheamus hadn't been pushed so hard already by WWE it might make more sense.

Triple H seems to consider himself the measuring stick to which every future Superstar is to be compared, but I'm just not sure I buy that. Triple H is good. Triple H is very, very good. But Triple H, to me, never reached a level of competition or stardom that men like The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Steve Austin, or The Rock did. Yes, Triple H is a proving grounds for young stars, but when that young star is a former WWE Champion, what more do they have to prove?

Triple H gains nothing by beating Sheamus, but likewise, how much harder can WWE push Sheamus as a result of beating Triple H? Sheamus has already beaten John Cena for the WWE Championship. What more can he possibly attain thanks to defeating Triple H in a non-title bout?

It is nice to see Triple H continuing to take an active role in bringing up young stars. Randy Orton, Batista, and John Cena can all thank Triple H for where they are now. Hopefully Sheamus will be next in line.

But this is Triple H we're talking about...



In my opinion, this match does little more than highlight the weakness of WWE's tag team division. Almost every man in this match has been partnered with someone else in the past year. The Miz and John Morrison were once a great tag team, just as Morrison was when he was part of MNM. But Morrison has since become a former Intercontinental Champion, and The Miz is now the current United States Champion, so overall, it feels like these men should've moved on from tag team wrestling, as is generally the formula in WWE. Big Show was partnered with Chris Jericho at this time last year, and they actually made a descent tag team. But of course, WWE had to borrow Jericho for a match against Edge, so they took two opposing stars and thrust them together to make a mock-up tag team.

It really doesn't matter who wins this match, since the tag titles mean so little anymore. Still, Show-Miz is a more established (and far more marketable) tag team, and should probably keep the gold until WWE can drum up a worthy adversary.



The inaugural Money-in-the-Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 21 featured six competitors.

Wrestlemania 23 featured eight competitors.

Wrestlemania XXVI will feature ten.

Yes, ten.

Imagine packing ten men into a 20x20 space.

Where do you want the ladder?

These matches tend to turn into spot-fests with no real ebb and flow to the match itself. I'm not a big fan of the idea of a match deteriorating into "utter chaos" which is why matches involving more than four competitors generally annoy me.

All of these men are extremely talented, but realistically, only a handful can be seen as World Champions. I make this assumption because every man who has won a Money-in-the-Bank Match in the past has gone on to successfully attain a World Championship.

Kane seems to have found a home here in Money-in-the-Bank, though he has never won. There is little reason to believe this year will be any different.

Kofi Kingston is a terrific talent, but I don't think WWE is committed to pushing him into the main event at this stage of his career.

Evan Bourne, though a great performer, just doesn't have the charisma he needs to carry a title.

MVP is ripe to be pushed, and pushed hard. Fans want to see it, and he is more than ready to do battle at the top of WWE's talent pool.

Christian could use this strong push following the fall of ECW to cement himself as a player in the Raw locker room. Toppling John Cena or Batista would make people notice him, and could help keep his career going despite being a big fish in an even bigger pond.

Dolph Ziggler still needs a lot of work before even thinking about World Championships. A good program with Drew McIntyre would do wonders for him.

Shelton Benjamin is one of the most underrated stars in WWE, and his cult followers have been clamoring for years now to see him finally grab the brass ring. Benjamin has paid his dues and spent the last six or seven years as a mid-card wrestler. I've said before that Shelton lacks the charisma to be a main eventer, but he's never had much to work with, and putting a little faith in him might kick his career into high gear.

Jack Swagger has been a mainstay of Raw for the past year, but I just can't see him as Champion. It would certainly do well to see him parading around with the briefcase for a few months before cashing it in against a face champion like John Cena, but I just can't see how far he would get once he had the belt. Perhaps I'm underestimating him, but I think there's still a lot left to evolve in the All-American American...American...

Matt Hardy doesn't really need a briefcase to be consider for the #1 Contender spot. Like Benjamin, Hardy has spent years at the mid-card level, while his brother, Jeff, managed to ascend to the top of WWE to become World Heavyweight Champion. I'm not sure what is keeping WWE from pushing Matt Hardy, but it is long overdue. It's hard to believe it's been 12 years since he debuted in WWE, and still has no World Championship to show for it.

Drew McIntyre is the Intercontinental Champion and needs to stay that way. As the least experienced man in this match, McIntyre has a long way to go before he can think about what he would do with a World Championship.

One thing that would really rejuvenate this concept and really set the entire night on fire, is some instant gratification. Don't keep the audience waiting. Coming out the next night and bragging about your win and waiting months on end to cash in your prize is going to bore the audience and kill whatever momentum or anticipation the audience felt that superstar had.

Whoever wins this match needs to cash in their briefcase that night against the winner of the John Cena/Batista match and walk away with the Championship. This would be the shocker that sets this Wrestlemania apart from all the rest and would keep people talking for weeks.

I think Christian is a perfect candidate for the job. He's a former ECW Champion, so we know he can carry the title. He's also in the middle bracket of stars that aren't quite on par with men like Triple H, but aren't quite subject to the glass ceiling like Matt Hardy. He's someone the fans will respect, and he could have some great programs with many of the other stars in this match, ushering in a true youth movement in WWE.

WHO WILL WIN: Jack Swagger


I'm so glad Jericho got out of his funk of the same slow, monotone promos and insulting the fans and all that jazz. It's great to see him on top of the WWE and working such a great program with an equally talented star.

Edge has been on fire since returning at the Royal Rumble, and I have little doubt he will be walking out of Wrestlemania as the World Champion.

This will be a great match, but the bottom line is that it doesn't offer fans anything new. Both these men are multi-time World Champions, and winning against each other isn't going to do much for them. I hope Jericho remains in the main event picture, but mainly to support some new blood. Edge still has great potential, since I never felt he had a good long run as Champion, and could be the back-up plan for stars who aren't prepared to carry the title. Like the John Cena/Batista bout, this is another opportunity to inject some new blood into the title picture, but on paper, it still looks like it will be a terrific match.



This is an epic battle and one of the best programs either of these men have been involved with in years.

Batista's new attitude is scathing and just the thing to foil John Cena's "white bread" character. Batista won't stand for Cena's long, dramatic monologues or hokey catchphrases. Batista has given voice to all the fans out there who are tired of the same old song and dance from John Cena.

It has really cast Batista in a new light as we get to see "The Animal" truly unleashed. Even if the promos are scripted, there is a token of reality to everything Batista says. These "no holds barred" comments remind me more of the "Attitude Era" when everything was off the cuff and felt more genuine. I can totally buy Batista as a disgruntled employee trying to topple the "corporate tool" that is John Cena.

Everything about Batista demands that you pay attention to him, and giving him the WWE Championship only solidifies his relevance to the audience and to Cena. That title is Cena's: both physically and for what it symbolizes. It belongs around Cena's waist; that is something that even anti-Cena fans can't deny. But Batista's nonchalant, no-frills attitude means he will not budge for Cena on any level, and that is exactly what anti-Cena fans want to see.

The genius about this match is that it appeals to 95% of the WWE audience. Fans who love Cena have the perfect man to hate, and fans who despise Cena have the perfect foil to cheer for.

This will be a classic Wrestlemania match that will go down as one of the biggest matches in WWE history. My only complaint, as I stated earlier, is that whichever way the fates turn it, it offers nothing new to the WWE audience, since both these men have been Champion and both have beaten the other before.

In a perfect world, Batista would bury John Cena and Christian would come out and use his Money-in-the-Bank briefcase to steal Batista's Championship.

But then again, we're talking about John Cena here...



The magnitude of this match is lost on a lot of fans. This should be touted as the biggest match of the night.

This is an encounter that many swore they would never see: Bret Hart back in the WWE and openly confronting Vince McMahon about his actions concerning the Montreal Screwjob.

First off, I just want to say that this entire angle has spoken volumes about Bret's character. For myself, I have gained a mountain of respect for Bret. A man who once swore he would never use the Montreal Incident to "get over" in his career, Hart has allowed himself to be humiliated by the man that screwed him all in anticipation of what will no doubt be the crowning moment of Bret's career.

Not to say that Bret, Vince, and Shawn Michaels are best pals, but for Bret to come out and bury the hatchet the way he did with Shawn Michaels, a man the truly despised, says a lot about the quality of "The Hitman"'s character and integrity. To continue to work this program with Vince, sitting back and taking a lot of criticism and ridicule from the man that tore his world apart, shows that Bret has been a true professional when it comes to this match.

A lot of people will say Bret is simply looking for a paycheck, but I truly believe Bret Hart wanted one last chance to be remembered for something other than what happened in Montreal. I think Bret wants one more chance to be the hero he was to so many, and this is his chance to give closure to that torturous chapter of his life.

Seeing Vince, Austin, and Bret in the ring was a terrific treat for fans all over the world. I don't care what kind of wrestling fan you are, the angle with Bret is epic, and historic.

Of course, I fully expect Bret to win at Wrestlemania and reclaim the glory that was lost in Montreal. Hopefully this will brig Bret the peace of mind he has been searching for and re-cement his legacy with WWE and its fans. What better way to say goodbye?

WHO WILL WIN: Bret "Hitman" Hart

The Undertaker vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
By far the most anticipated match of the night is the epic bout between The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.

Fans will recognize this as a rematch of what many described last year as "the greatest match in Wrestlemania history". Whether you agree with that assessment or not, you can't deny the chemistry between these two stars. From the first Hell-in-a-Cell, to the first-ever Casket Match, these men revolutionized professional wrestling and left their permanent stamp on the industry.

I'm not sure what to expect from these two, but I can almost guarantee it will be the best match of the night.

Shawn Michaels has long been the master of mind games when it comes to "The Deadman" and is probably the only person in recent history to truly show no fear in the face of "The Phenom". True to his reputation, "The Heartbreak Kid" has vowed to vanquish his nemesis at Wrestlemania, effectively ending the 17-0 Wrestlemania winning streak of The Undertaker.

Should HBK lose, however, his career in WWE will be over.

Now for many, this will ring some familiar bells. Every opponent The Undertaker has faced in the past five or six years has vowed to end "The Streak". Similarly, Shawn Michaels ended the career of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair at Wrestlemania XXIV. So this is really a hybrid of the paths these two men have walked, and it will culminate at Wrestlemania XXVI.

As far as who will win, it's clear most people expect The Undertaker to successfully defend his record, and go 18-0.

WWE certainly seems to be playing up the drama, releasing Shawn Michaels' "My Journey" DVD set, which is basically a retrospective of "The Showstopper"'s 25-year career, ending with HBK confronting the question of whether or not he is ready to hang it up for good.

Shawn Michaels wrestled what many assume was his last match on Raw against Kane this past Monday, and pulled out the win despite The Undertaker's appearance and subsequent chokeslam. After weeks of distractions that have cost Shawn victory after victory, "Mr. Wrestlemania" was finally able to pull out a win despite being haunted by "The Deadman".

So the question is: is Wrestlemania XXVI Shawn Michaels' last match?

My answer right now is that I'm not sure.

On the one hand, you have the fact that HBK is in the autumn of his career. His pace has slowed, his body is plagued by injuries both past and present. Only Shawn Michaels truly knows how much farther he can push his body, but anyone who has seen Shawn in his prime can clearly see the wear and tear the industry has taken on him physically.

You have the WWE apparently marketing for the end of Shawn's career. The "My Journey" DVD along with a slew of new HBK memorabilia would suggest that WWE is attempting to milk every last cent they can out of HBK's legacy.

Then there is "The Streak", and this is the biggest question mark in the bunch.

It's safe to say something like The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak will never be duplicated, and therefore, if the streak is to be broken, it should obviously be broken by someone worthy of attaining that honor.

Conversely, it is possible WWE plans to let The Undertaker retire with his streak intact, in which case, this match will mark the end of HBK's career.

And then there are those who feel HBK will reign victorious in his match.

My main argument for this is that this is a rematch. Rematches in wrestling are generally to prove a point, though this isn't always the case in WWE. But think about WWE's Backlash pay-per-view events: there is a steady record of the Backlash main events being rematches of the main events from Wrestlemania. In some cases the entire cards are almost identical. This is because after Wrestlemania there is always that promo where the loser claims that his loss was a "fluke" win by his opponent and that "lightning never strikes twice in the same spot", blah blah blah blah. This calls for a rematch.

These types of rematches are generally used to firmly establish the reign of the Champion, such as in the case of Chris Benoit, John Cena, and Batista. However, in the case of non-title bouts, rematches are generally used to keep the feud going.

In this case, The Undertaker really doesn't gain anything by beating Shawn Michaels. He has already beaten Shawn at Wrestlemania, so he has nothing left to prove.

However, think of what Shawn has to gain.

For a man who has done everything there is to do in the world of professional wrestling, Shawn Michaels has attained many monikers:
The first Ladder Match
The first Grand Slam Champion
Winner of the First Iron-Man Match
Winner of the first Hell-in-a-Cell Match
Screwing Bret Hart at Survivor Series 1997
Winner of the first Casket Match
Retired "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair at Wrestlemania

Shawn Michaels has done it all. Until Wrestlemania 25, The Undertaker had never beaten Shawn Michaels. But what would it do for HBK's career to be known as "The Man Who Broke The Streak"? It's the only thing left for Shawn Michaels to do, and I truly believe he will not retire until he has.

Then there are those who feel HBK will not really retire after Wrestlemania.

Retirement in wrestling is always a big "if" and has turned into something of a joke. Even after the terrific send-off the WWE gave Ric Flair, "The Naitch" returned to in-ring performance in TNA. Mick Foley has returned countless times after supposedly retiring as did Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, and others.

I doubt Wrestlemania will be HBK's last appearance on WWE programming (at the very least he will be inducted into the Hall of Fame), but I do believe when he decides to hang it up, he will not be seeking employment by other promotions. I think Shawn is ready to be done, though only Shawn Michaels will know when the time is right.

If Wrestlemania 25 was any indication, this should be a match for the ages, whichever way the tide turns.

WHO SHOULD WIN: Shawn Michaels
WHO WILL WIN: The Undertaker

Monday, March 8, 2010

WWE vs. TNA: Are You Ready for War?

Tonight marks the first volley of shots in the renewed Monday Night War between WWE and TNA. Certainly the energy in the TNA locker room must be electric. I only wish the show was poised to be as big as it is touted to be.

Let's get one thing straight, and I have mentioned this before: WWE is not afraid of TNA. Just because they are competing for the same timeslot does not make TNA a force to be reckoned with. Until USA Network sees a sizeable dent in Raw's ratings, and attributes that decline to the rise of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, Vince McMahon has little incentive to change the format or presentation of his product. TNA draws 1/3 of the ratings and viewers that Raw does every week. Until there is a mass conversion of wrestling fans flocking to TNA because they are fed up with WWE, Vince McMahon's empire will remain the pinnacle of the professional wrestling world.

TNA has made the mountain twice as hard to climb by choosing to begin competing with Raw as WWE enters the home stretch for Wrestlemania XXVI. This is typically when we see the best of what WWE has to offer, and that will help audiences glued to USA Network.

Hulk Hogan made a smart statement when he stated in an interview that he wishes the best for both WWE and TNA. Obviously, Hogan would not be involved with TNA if he didn't believe he was part of a superior product, but this is the sentiment I share with him.

TNA will continue to grow, and WWE will continue to prosper. As with the Monday Night Wars of the late 90's, it is doubtful anyone will say that one product is vastly and unquestionably superior to the other. They are alternative forms of wrestling in all aspects, and that is what fans are craving. They are tired of being force-fed by WWE, and they want to see something new and exciting, and that is where TNA will succeed. Do not look for an immediate change, but wait a few months, perhaps even by the end of the year, and there may be a shift in power.

The lineup TNA has set for tonight is both brilliant and deterring. In their official show preview for March 8, 2010, TNA hypes the fact that the Monday Night Wars are being renewed. However, the only official match they announce here is the epic tag team battle between the team of TNA World Heavyweight Champion "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles & "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair against "The Monster" Abyss & "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan. The preview also mentions the return of "The Icon" Sting.

The tag team match seems great on paper, and had this taken place in a week or two, it would be a wonderful treat for wrestling fans. Don't get me wrong, this is a Pay-Per-View quality match up that could well be the wave that rocks the WWE flagship. However, looking at it now, it seems much too gimmick-oriented, and not focused well enough on what truly matters: fresh, young talent.

Let's face it: the advertisements for this match are focused on one thing: Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair. They could care less about Styles or Abyss, who are simply put there as representatives of the TNA "Originals". The show is still too focused on the past, and not enough on the future. Yes, this match will excite older fans, but for younger fans, this match holds little interest. You have two WWE/WCW retirees facing off "one more time". Unfortunately, this has been TNA's formula for some time now.

I honestly don't mind Hulk Hogan in his position of authority, but it was my understanding (and the understanding of many TNA fans) that Hogan would not be wrestling under the TNA banner. Furthermore, Ric Flair received arguably the greatest send-off in wrestling history from WWE, and that will be ruined the moment he gets in the ring to wrestle. I love Flair as a manager. His personality really shines through. I'm not such a big fan of him molding Styles in his image, as I think it takes away from both Flair's uniqueness as an entertainer, and Styles' strength as a TNA Original.

This match will turn heads, and, hopefully for TNA, turn channels. But what long-term effect will it have? TNA has a great opportunity here to show the world what their company is really made of, and that is not just ex-WWE/WCW stars. There's so much more here that is fresh and new. They should be showcasing men like "The Pope" and women like Awesome Kong and ODB. They need to keep ex-WWE/WCW stars to a minimum because they are what fans are trying to escape from.

The return of Sting is a minor note here both in corporate minds and the minds of fans. Sting has left and come back so many times, it's a wonder he has any momentum at all because he barely spends enough time in the ring to carve a legacy for himself before disappearing again for months at a time. As far as the people in suits are concerned, Sting's return is largely and almost completely eclipsed by the Hogan/Flair rivalry. Sting is a name most young fans will not recognize unless they have been tuning in to TNA. Sting's WCW days are long behind him, and most WWE fans won't remember much about him.

It will be disappointing to see fans tuning tonight only for the Hogan and Flair match because TNA has so much more to offer. They have a great tag team division, strong characters, fast-paced wrestling, and address a more mature audience. All of these things are what make them different from WWE. Yet even with all these tools at their disposal, they fall into a formulaic and "safe" pattern much like WWE does.

The entire angle with Hogan and Abyss is preposterous. Abyss used to be a monster and this past Thursday on iMPACT, Hogan said they were going to win their match through Abyss' "kindness".


That's a shame, because you'll be facing "The Dirtiest Player in the Game" and his protege. No one wants to see "kindness" in wrestling. We want to see people get angry, we want to see people fight, and "kind" people do not fight.

The entire angle concerning the Hall of Fame ring is laughable and despicable. I won't waste anymore breath on it now than I did in my last entry.

The angle between Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson is the kind of thing fans will want to see because Kurt is still young enough people won't see him so much as a WWE has-been because he did such a great job of re-inventing himself in TNA. Mr. Anderson is still young enough that people will recognize him from WWE, but since he was never really pushed as hard there, seeing him pushed so strong here will make people interested again.

I wish the main event for TNA iMPACT would've been A.J. Styles vs. Abyss with Hogan and Flair in their respective corners rather than a full-on match. Let it be a title match, and let A.J. retain by DQ thanks to Flair's interference. That would be a great way to set up a future tag team match between the four and still keep the focus on your World Champion and TNA Original.

The angle with Jeff Jarrett is actually growing on me. It is simple, and people can relate to it. While the heel GM angle has been played to death in wrestling, everyone knows what it is like to be kept down by upper management, and that will help them relate to Jeff's plight. That will make them root for him. I wish the angle was used on someone else, someone young and fresh who could use the rub, but so far that is my only complaint about this angle.

WWE needs to do little here to keep fans' attention. They are gearing up for Wrestlemania in a few short weeks, so they should have no problem making things exciting. It is simply a matter of what they use and how they decide to push their stars. While I think the Batista/Cena angle has been wonderfully crafted thus far, fans may be tired of seeing these two in the spotlight, and decide to tune in to TNA. WWE's biggest issue is not pushing young stars hard enough. Fans are tired of the broken record, and that is why TNA is growing so quickly: not necessarily because they are better, but because they are different.

TNA has a chance here to pop the cork on the wrestling world and unload with everything they've been holding back. I'm not sure how effective this will be in the short term, but in the long run, it will force WWE to think fresh and different.

It really doesn't matter what side of the ring you're on in this one. The fans are the ones who should be benefiting most from this. Even if takes WWE a few weeks or months to see the change in the market, they will eventually be forced to confront the 800 lbs. Gorilla that is TNA. We will see the best of what each company has to offer, and that is a huge plus for fans.

Finally, I hope that TNA's entry into the Monday Night War doesn't make them lose sight of what has made them strong, and that is TNA. TNA has openly mentioned WWE and Raw, and that is fine every once in a while, but it works against them if it is done too much.

Firstly, if you keep talking about your company like it is the underdog in this war, fans will believe it. If you keep telling them that WWE is the giant you are out to slay, people will tune in to see what threat the giant poses. No one wants to be part of a company that always feels like it is struggling to compete, but that is the mindset TNA has instilled in it's fans. Talk about how great your company is so that fans will forget about your competitor. As Paul Heyman would say, "hide the negatives, accentuate the positives."

Secondly, and finally, TNA is very excited to be entering this war, but I hope it doesn't make them lose sight of what they originally set out to do. Eventually the hype behind the new war will wane, and when it does, TNA needs to stop talking about how fascinating it is to be competing with Raw and decide which direction it will take as a company. Don't let the corporate heads get too big here. TNA is a small company compared to WWE, and they need to remember that. If they try to match WWE's scale, they will fail and fail quickly. But if they continue to do what they have been doing, operating at the level they have been operating, they should have no problem making fans aware of their presence.

WWE is a sleeping giant. It can't be toppled right now, but TNA can certainly light a fire to wake it up.